How to finance a business?

finance a business

Goodwill is a set of tangible and intangible elements belonging to a commercial enterprise and essential to its activity.

When you start an activity, taking over a fund is a solution with multiple advantages, including the immediate acquisition of a clientele (included in the company’s assets), which guarantees you a minimum turnover. You also have finance a business name, in addition to the equipment of your predecessor.

The main disadvantage is the importance of the sale price, which significantly increases the so-called transfer taxes and the amount of financing to be found. Because this is the essential question: how to finance your business?

You will certainly have to draw on your own savings as a personal contribution , but you will also have to contact various external entities to obtain the additional financing required.

Do you have a project to create or take over a business?

Whatever the maturity of your project, we provide you with our advice and expertise in order to access the best professional loan players.

As the project leader, you are the first to put your hand in your pocket. As a general rule, you are required to insure at least 30% of the asking price. Indeed, potential investors will be less inclined to make their contribution if you yourself do not get involved financially.

Where to draw your own funds from: your personal current account , your savings accounts (livret A, LEP, LDD, etc.), your financial investments (financial securities, classic PEA, PEA/SME), your employee savings , etc.

The private call for savings

To help you build your personal contribution (and more), you have this option. The concept is called “Love Money” by the Anglo-Saxons, because the funds are raised from those close to you : your parents, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, etc.

This assistance can take the form either of a donation exempt , under certain conditions from transfer taxes, or of a loan between individuals with or without interest or of a subscription for shares in the capital of your company, which, for investors , entitles you to advantageous taxation.

IMPORTANTAnd beyond the financial aspect, its advantage is the vote of confidence, because they are so many supporters and ambassadors of your project who will promote it within their own circles.

This is a zero-interest loan granted without interest or guarantees by an Initiative platform to help you create or take over a small business. In return, you undertake on your honor to repay it within a period generally between 2 and 5 years . Its amount depends on your project and your equity needs.

It is a real boost when you lack personal financial contributions since it allows you to have sufficient funds to reassure financial establishments and apply for a traditional bank loan subsequently, without the requirement of a personal guarantee. or real.

The professional loan

There is also a type of professional loan available from banks, as its name suggests. It can be used to finance any tangible or intangible investment, including acquisition. This element is generally financed over 7 years, even if the duration of the professional loan can be up to 15 years.

Do you have a project to create or take over a business?

Whatever the maturity of your project, we provide you with our advice and expertise in order to access the best professional loan players.

This method of financing consists of your business having the business purchased by a financial organization which becomes the lessor, which rents it to you under a management lease contract.

In practice, this option is rarely used due to the high risk that the bank runs by being the owner , while it is dependent on your good or bad management. In addition, the legal regime makes the bank responsible for the payment of debts and direct taxes linked to the operation of the fund.

Les Business angels

These are people, often former entrepreneurs or working professionals with solid experience in entrepreneurship.

The participatory loan

Crowdfunding is booming, with more and more French people preferring to devote their savings to supporting innovative projects with high growth potential . The funds thus obtained make it possible to increase the equity of your company.

Moreover, since the establishment of regulations specific to crowdfunding , the number of savers-investors and project leaders has been constantly increasing. In all kinds of areas, the former help the latter to realize a business creation project through a donation, a loan or a participation in the equity of your company; with participatory finance, exchanges take place on the internet via dedicated platforms.

When you use the loan, expect to have to provide guarantees, required by the lending organization in order to ensure recovery of its capital and the corresponding interest. The most common forms are the mortgage on real estate, the pledge of business assets, or the pledge of shares in the case of purchasing securities.

Furthermore, a personal guarantee intended to prove your seriousness , your motivation and your confidence in your own project may be required. However, avoid giving guarantees greater than those provided by the bank; establish a limitation of your personal guarantee in value or in time. Mutual guarantee organizations offer you solutions adapted to your needs.

Finally, many establishments require borrower insurance which protects them in the event of death, disability leading to incapacity to work or loss of employment of the subscriber of the professional loan.

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